Is it time to gather your success squad…..

“We are the average of the 5 people we spend the most time with” Jim Rohn

If you think about the different areas of your life - finances, career, health, relationships, fun and adventure etc … you have real supporters and advocates of your dreams and goals? and if so, are they the same person for every area?

Do they understand your unique challenges, fears and concerns?

Is there a person who you go to for honest, warts and all, practical advice…..

and another you plan wild nights out with…..

and another again who you can talk to about your workplace challenges…..

and maybe another you spend time with when you are done with talking and just need to be, no pressure and no demands, because they just “get” you…..

Left to our own devices we can only fly as high as our own limitations. We need to walk in the shoes of others who have walked where we want to walk; even if this is only a step or two above where we are now.

and as we gradually climb higher we can follow a new guide ….

just as important as the guide or teacher are the cheerleaders….. our raving fans who see our potential much more clearly than we can and whose support is enough to keep us going

Now think about your workplace, chances are the majority of your time is spent there. So take stock of the main 5 people you interact with each day. Do they inspire and motivate you? do you look forward to seeing them on a Monday morning to dissect the weekend? would you chose to hang out with them outside of work?

When we apply for a new job, we will often have a list of non negotiables such as salary, hours, location; but top of that list should be the people we will be working with, our team, our SUCCESS SQUAD. What kind of people do you enjoy being around? sociable and outgoing? heads down and task focused? creative and out of the box thinkers?

Get clear on this and you can sky rocket to your highest pinnacle of success….. ignore this and the opposite is true

Being self employed has really highlighted to me how important having a “squad” around me is. I do enjoy quiet alone time for sure but I am likely to get stuck with indecision or a limiting mindset issue. And then I only have my own energy to draw on. Being amongst the right people can super charge our reserves, diminish problems and give us a wonderful sense of belonging.

Sometimes we need to put our nearest and dearest on the “subs bench” and bring in a different dynamic. And that’s okay.

And often we need to actually reach out and ask our “squad” for help, be honest about what is going for us and be prepared to be vulnerable. Quite honestly we all get so much pleasure from supporting others and being of service don’t we? it’s a female thing I’m sure!

So if you have big plans for change or have been thrown into it…..gather your team, build your army and conquer those goals

and if you just want to get the most enjoyment out of life… take stock on who you are hanging out with, join forces, harness the energy of the collective and utilise the power of the group.



How to future proof your career ….


You have such a lovely life Katherine Brown